Het Vergeten Leger
Nederlandsch Indië 1945-1950

This Aerodrome Guide is a confidential, nonregistered publication, intended for official use only. It should be handled and safeguarded in accordance with the regulations made for confidential documents, in the countries where it will be used.

In its present "loose leaf form" this Aerodrome Guide will serve as a source of information and guide for the accumulation of additional data and the correction and expansion of data now contained.

The value of this publication depends mainly on the reports of aviators and others with knowledge of the facilities covered. It is hoped that all holders will cooperate to verify and expand its subject matter in order that it may become increasingly useful. This should be done with the use of "Correction-Sheets", copies of which are providedin the back of this publication. Supplementary charts or sketches of local areas are particulary desirable. For convenience it is suggested that notes and comments may be written in, on textpages or charts, and returned direct to Headquarters Netherlands Air Force, Koningsplein 8 Batavia, Java (Indonesia).

Upon receipt of new information these pages will be replaced without delay, with the current copies and subsequently with the revised pages, wich will be sent to all holders, who must:

a. remove and destroy the obsolete pages in case of revision;
b. insert new or revised pages in their correct places;
c. correct the list of effective pages and index in ink;
d. log the corrections on the "Record of Correction" page.

In order to facilitete the maximum usefulness of this publication permission is granted to carry it in aircraft or to remove individual pages for use in aircraft. Such pages must be given the same security as is required by theclassification, indicated thereon and be reinserted in the publication after use. Pages which become worn or damaged should be destroyed and replacements obtained by request to the address given above.

All distances are given in NAUTICAL MILES
All courses are TRUE
Gids (Engels-talig) met daarin opgenomen alle bestaande vliegvelden op de diverse eilanden van Indie, 38 in totaal.

Per vliegveld een overzicht van aan- en afvoer wegen; spoorwegen, bergen, steden en/of dorpen in de omgeving. tevens informatie met betrekking tot de aard van de wegen (bijvoorbeeld asfalt of onverhard) en eventueel aanwezige vlieg-obstakels.

Daarnaast vanzelfsprekend de benodigde vlieg-technische informatie, zoals lengte van de banen, al of niet in gebruik tijdens het regen seizoen, aanwezigheid van hangars, nachtvlucht faciliteiten, dichtbijzijnde autoriteiten en het dichtsbij gelegen alternatieve vliegveld.

Vervolgens een schets en een luchtfoto van het desbetreffende vliegveld.

Behalve de hiernaast aangegeven velden, zijn de volgende ook opgenomen (vliegveld, plaatsnaam, eiland):

- Mopah, Merauke op Nieuw-Guinea
- Oelin, Bandjarmasin op Borneo
- Pangkal-Pinang, idem, Bangka
- Penfoei, Koepang op Timor
- Pitoe, idem, Morotai
- Sabang, idem, Poeloe Weh
- Semplak, Buitenzorg op Java
- Sentani, Hollandia op Nieuw-Guinea
- Sepinggan, Balikpapan op Borneo
- Soembawa Besar, idem, Java
- Sorido, idem, Biak
- Tabing, Padang op Sumatra
- Talang Betoetoe,Palembang op Sumatra
- Tandjoeng-Perak, Soerabaja op Java
- Tjililitan, Batavia op Java
- Waingapoe,(zie Maoe Haoe)
- Wakde, Wakde
- Wirasaba, Banjoemas op Java